CAS- Soccer Manager

The following images are from the boys senior night!

The following two images above are from a separate assignment done for IB photo, relating to soccer.

The photos shown above are from the Varsity game against a big rival school.

During the season there was a request from the coach to help take media photos for the boys, shown above are some of the best photos. These were taken in my IB photo class.

Shown above are pictures from the JV (yellow) and Varsity (purple and white) matches over winter break.

Shown above are pictures from the November 28th, 2023, game.

Shown above are the pictures from the November 16, 2023 friendly game.

As a soccer manager was also in charge of running the snack bar, however between us and the other managers we began splitting the job so eventually I was in charge of shoot pictures.

Before the games began, I wanted to ensure that my photo shooting skills were just enough to capture moments correctly. I had gone to the park to practice a few shots. The shots are shown above.

As a Soccer manager it is important to capture moments in games, even if the games are short scrimmages against your own team members, just as shown above.